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Published on Dec 11, 2015

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Explaining The 4th Dimension

Photo by angela7dreams

First off it is nearly impossible to imagine the 4th dimension. This is because our brain is 3 dimensional. Although we can't actually imagine the spacial component of a 4 dimensional universe, we can imagine just about everything else because the basic laws of physics in our 3 dimensional universe apply to every universe regardless of the dimensions.

Photo by fractalSpawn

To understand the 4th dimension you have to understand the 3rd dimension in which we live in. We actually live in a 4 dimensional universe because we have 3 dimensions of space and one dimension of time. But let's exclude time. The 3rd dimension is made up of an infinite amount of 2 dimensional planes. Therefore the 4th dimension is made up of an infinite amount of 3 dimensional planes that overlap each other.

This is a representation of a 4th dimensional plane.

In our universe there is a single dimension of time but this is not the case for all. In some universes there are several units of time. Time is an infinite dimension that measures all that has happened and all that will ever happen. This dimension intertwines with the spacial dimensions. This means that our eyes view everything a little bit in the past depending on how far away things are. This is due to the amount of time it takes light to travel to you. In fact time has no proper definition but that is the best way it can be describe. When telescopes look at stuff far away in space they are actually seeing what was there years ago. When we look at a star at night we are actually looking at nothing because that star died years ago. Scientists actually believe that most stars die before there light even reaches Earth. Everything that we have ever done or will do has already happened and was predetermined. So that saying everything happens for a reason is actually true just not in the religious sense.

Photo by SuperTogores

There are rumors that state Hitler forced Albert Einstein to work for him during WW2 before he left the county in an attempt to build a time machine known as the Nazi Bell. Forward time travel is very possible, in fact we have known how to do it for over 50 years but have never been able to develop a time machine. Although some say they were successful and their is proof pointing towards it. Years later a secret investigation of a UFO crash site revealed a bell much like the Nazi Bell.

Stable orbits only exist in 2 and 3d but in 4d they become unstable due to the extra dimensions which affect gravity meaning that moons orbiting planets would spiral around the planet instead of an oval like in our universe. This also means that if 3 or more subatomic particles collide they will form a micro black hole which we have in our universe as well swirling around us as we speak too small to see with even the highest magnified microscopes. Also because of the increased gravity and unstable orbits due to dimensions no matter would be able to form because atoms can't clump together or even form. This would mean planets and stars wouldn't be able to form either and even if they could planets would eventually be sucked into the star in which it orbits. Life forms also couldn't form making life impossible. So if life and planets and galaxies could exist in a 4d universe it would be a very different place then we call home. But since atoms, electrons, protons, and neutrons couldn't exist, only photons (light) and neutrinos would exist. So there'd be light but nowhere to go because there'd be no electrons to fuel off from (to chase after). So a 4d universe would consist of simply existence and light with nowhere to go which means pure darkness with a bunch of micro black holes floating around caused by neutrinos clashing together

Light moves perpendicular to it's electric AND magnetic fields only in the 3d which means light in our dimension is very unique, in any other dimension light only moves perpendicular to it's electric field.

Photo by rishibando

Light waves in a 4d universe also have a ripple effect meaning we view light for a much longer time. Ex. If you blew up a firecracker you would see the explosion longer. Or if someone quickly pulsates a bright light on the moon we would see it for the actual amount of time that light was on while in a 4d universe you would see the light for like a day.

Photo by ecstaticist

Sound waves in a 4d universe would be long and drawn out. Ex. If you blew up a firecracker it would be loud at first and lead by a long drawn out boom. So you would be constantly hearing a bunch of noises very loud and long at once.

Photo by Michael Matti

Matter is spaceless which means it has no dimensions of space in it. Gravity is caused by large amounts of clumped matter that bends the dimensional planes around it (space). The 3 dimensional planes in a 4d universe has much more dimensions then the 2d planes in ours. This means gravity would be much stronger in a 4d universe because there is more dimensions that matter can bend.

Particles would be very different. They would be able to hold more electrons which means there would be many new chemical bonds and reactions that we won't get in our 3d universe and many of our chemical reactions wouldn't work in a 4d universe. In fact every element after helium would adopt weird new properties and most metals we have in our universe would be gases.

Photo by TonZ

This is a Klein Bottle. It will only work in a 3 dimensional universe.

Photo by Ole Husby

This is a Möbius Strip. It allows an object in the 3rd dimension to travel (straight) along both sides of the strip without crossing over. In the 4th dimension you would be able to tape 2 Möbius strips together surface to surface.

A simple knot wouldn't work in the 4th dimension. You would need a more complex knot such as this.

In conclusion, the 4th dimension is far different in almost every way then our universe. Regardless of our understanding of the 4th dimension, we cannot imagine it since our brain is 3 dimensional. Life and even atoms cannot form because of the physical nature of 4 dimensional orbits and that they can't exist. It's crazy how the way objects orbit stuff can effect life and all matter as we know it. But if atoms could exist planets would spiral around stars, light would be long lasting making navigation nearly impossible, sound would be drawn out, you could see around and through stuff, you could wall through walls, particles would be different with many more dense gases, knots would have to be more complex, and a 3 leg bar stool would fall over. Some people actually believe we can morph our minds into a higher dimension of thinking. Some believe this transformation has already begun. But that is a totally different branch of physics (metaphysics) that would take far to long to get into.

Photo by i k o