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  • History
  • Goverment
  • Geography
  • Religion
  • Sports
  • Family Life
  • Daily Life
  • Celebrations/festivals
  • Food


  • Famous people
  • Interesting facts

Panama means "abundance of fish"

In1501, Rodrigo de Bastidas was the first European to explore the Isthmus of Panama sailing along the eastern coast.

  • In1501, Rodrigo de Bastidas was the first European to explore the Isthmus of Panama sailing along the eastern coast.

1502 Christopher Columbus on his fourth voyage, sailing south and eastward from upper Central America, explored Bocas del Toro, Veragua, the Chagres River and Portobelo (Beautiful Port) which he named.

  • A year later Christopher Columbus on his fourth voyage, sailing south and eastward from upper Central America, explored Bocas del Toro, Veragua, the Chagres River and Portobelo (Beautiful Port) which he named.


  • The capital of Panama is Panama City.
  • There is 3.861 millon people.
  • The flag is red, blue and white.
  • The currency of Panama is the Panama Balboa (or U.S. Dollars).
  • President is Juan Carlos Varela.

The president severs for 5 years. There are 5 political parties in Panama.

The moutain range near Costa Rica is called the Cordillera Central.
The highest point in Panama is called Volcán Barú.
Panama is on the narrow and low Isthmus of Panama.
There are about 500 rivers wich most empty into the Pacific Ocean.
The longest river is the Rio Tuira.

Photo by Almudipa

The Panama Canal connects the Alantic and Pacific Ocean.
Colombia is north of Panama.
Panama is south of Costa Rica.
The Panama Canal runs through the country.
Panama City is north to the Panama Canal.

Photo by SEDACMaps


  • Panama is 75 to 85% Roman Catholic.
  • Panama is 15 to 25% Evangelical Christian.

The constitution of Panama states that Roman Catholicism should be taught in school.

Photo by Kawetijoru

Panama's faviorte sport is baseball.

Photo by Ken Lund

Ironman has a race which takes place in Panama City. The last week in January is when it takes place.

Photo by ZarrSadus

Basketball is a sport spreading wildly in Panama. The most successful basketball player they had was Rolando Blackman, who was a four-time NBA-All Star.

For the sailors out there, you can sail all around the Caribbean in a beautiful sailboat!

Panama is now home to some of the best championship golf courses in Central America and has hosted 7 championship golf tournaments. Among them are the annual Panama Claro Championship (a leg of the PGA Nationwide Tour) and the BMW Golf Cup International, the world's largest amateur golf tournament.

Panama is a world class destination for professional and sport fishing around the world.

Often times, multiple generations will live under the same roof, with the younger ones taking care of their grandparents.

Photo by phlubdr

Children are raised by their extended family and genuinely respect their elders.

Photo by www78

Panamanians are often surprised to hear that Americans would rather send an ailing family member to a facility rather than take care of them in person.

Daily life in Panama includes more time spent with loved ones at a relaxed pace.

Panamanians work hard and enjoy leisure activtes

Martyrs’ Day takes place on January 9th each year. The holiday reconizes in 1964 when 200 Panamanian high school students marched to Balboa High School in the United States’ Canal Zone and protested that the Panama flag should be raised over the canal.

  • Martyrs’ Day takes place on January 9th each year when in 1964 when 200 Panamanian high school students marched to Balboa High School in the United States’ Canal Zone and protested that the Panama flag should be raised
Photo by sfmission.com

Festival del Cristo Negro (Black Christ Festival) is celebrated by thousands of pilgrims come to pay pennance, perform other acts of devotion at the Iglesia de San Felipe, home to a wooden black Christ effigy that is paraded around town on October 21.

Flag Day is celebrated in Panama on November 4th each year.

Good Friday is celebrating the crucafiction of Christ, the Son of God, during holy week.

In Panama, they celebrate Mother's Day on Dec. 8.

They have French, Spanish, and American food. Panamanians love to eat out at restaurants.

Breakfast often contains deep fried corn tortillas with eggs and other foods like fried meat. Christmas dinner is usually seafood, rice with beans, and chicken with rice, saffron and vegetables.

Photo by pattoncito

Belisario Porras Barahona was a former President of Panama. He served 3 terms. As the Thousand Days War began in Colombia, the Liberals in Panama sent for Porras to lead the invasion of the Isthmus in 1900.

Lloyd LaBeach is the first Olympic medalist. He won a bronze medal in the 100m and 200m on the track in London 1948.




Also known as the glass or crystal frog, this endangered frog lets you see right through to his insides.

These beautiful sapphire blue frogs, found in Panama, got their name from the hunting practices of locals who used the toxins found in the frog’s skin in the tips of their poison darts.