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Halacha in the Modern World

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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עולם הכשרות

בעידן המורדני


  • Technological advances have effected the world of food production:
  • How it is grown (vegetation and animal)
  • How it is shipped, packaged, and marketed
  • How it is stored
  • All these can have an הלכה significance.
Photo by goldberg


  • Halachic principles don't change
  • We need to evaluate the application of them in a changing world.
  • Inspect the changing reality and then think about how that applies
Photo by benleto


  • Rabbanut set up a specical branch to oversee
  • They are in charge of dealing with all these questions
  • Overtime, other branches arose to deal with each area
  • These include: meat, importing meat, factories, food houses, import, and מצוות תליות בארץ
  • The following slides will detail what the issues are


  • This includes - schechita
  • Making sure that the animals slaughtered are kosher
  • to all other concerns about animals in halacha (pidyon)
  • preventing טרפות by shots in birds
  • or any other treatments to animals
Photo by Robert Mehlan

כשרות בשר מיובא

  • Inspect all meat for market here in Israel
  • Concerned about the: schechita
  • Whether it was from a kosher animal or a נבילה, טריפה
  • בשר קפוא

Terms to know

  • נבילה - - meat that didn't receive proper שחיטה
  • טריפה -  meat from an animal that would have died anywhay
  • מליחה - salting the meat
  • בשר קפוא - meat that is frozen for shipping before it is kashered
Photo by BananaStock

מצוות התליות בארץ

  • This branch deals with matters of agronomy.
  • it stops fruit from ערלה trees from entering the market  
  • Separating תרומה ומעשר from produce that is being se
  • In charge of the packaging and warehousing of produce; wineries and mills
  • and, of course, it is concerned for any שמיטה issues
Photo by b-duss


  • all factories

יבוא - Import

  • all food the comes from חו"ל
  • either complete foods or ingredients
  • it is understood that there are different standards in every place and supe
  • There are people that travel around the world to supervise food production
Photo by Genista

בתי אוכל

  • Restaurants, stores that sell ready made food, catering places, hotels, an
  • Traditionally, these are supervised by local משגיחים
  • Public institutions like hospitals are a separate category
  • Guidelines need to be set for standard supervision.
Photo by marcp_dmoz


  • "After State comptroller Eliezer Goldberg described official kashrut... a t
  • "central overseeing authority will be formed...
  • by Erev R'h 2010 there still isn't equilibirum on these issues
Photo by jasondevilla

רמת הכשרות

  • Standard Kosher
  • Mehadrin
  • Private labels, בד"צ - they also have to have state supervision
Photo by mhaithaca

Challenges With רבנות

  • The mesorah of השגחה is that the local rabbinate is responsible for kashrut
  • There are places where the rabbinate has local authority and is professiona
  • Therefore, the concept of כשר בהכשר הרבנות המקומית is a relative term that
  • Sometimes, there is a concern about one item from one place, and that can e
Photo by Pryere

Improving Rabbinate

  • The מחלקת כשרות can supervise the local authorities and instruct them on wh
  • To establish clear national guidelines for how to give kosher certificati
Photo by kevin dooley

What to do, practically?

  • Check that Kosher certificate is valid and isn't a fake
  • Kosher food in sealed containers do not have to buy from a place that has a
  • Therefore , it is permissible to buy Coca-Cola product that kosher kiosk wi
Photo by Daniel*1977


  • מי אחראי לנושא הכשרות בארץ?
  • מה הם תחומי האחריות או תחומי הפיקוח של הרבנות הראשית במזון?
  • מה הם שתי דרגות הכשרות המקובלות?
  • דוע אפשר לרכוש מזון באריזה סגורה גם ממקום שאין לו תעודת כשרות?
  • א. מה הבעייתיות בהשגחת הרבנות ב. כיצד ניתן לשפר את האחידות בהשגחת הרבנות ?
