Alone on Halloween, it’s embarrassing, all my friends are out and here I am by myself Outside walking in pitch black. I feel like someone is watching me, my heart rate is increasing, I can hear my heart pounding too loud, it's about to burst out my chest. from the corner of my eye I see something move. I yell, “Who's out there?”
All alone - until three A.M , that’s when I’m surrounded.
The house is black. The room is quiet. The air is silent. The world is off.
While most are asleep, I am awake - let’s take a drive. Look! The streets are empty!
With light flickering. No cars in sight, there is no honking, shouting, no yelling.
Covered in sweat, panicking, and trying to calm down. As I went to go look in the mirror, and saw my eyeballs missing, which made me scream, and wake up from a dream again. With endless rotations of looking in the mirror, and waking up again. I decided to break all the mirrors in the house leaving the question… WHAT AM I?