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HammerHead Sharks

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BY Hammer Head

Hammerhead sharks like to eat:fish, octopus,crustaceans,other sharks and they really like to eat sting rays

The great hammerhead shark is the biggest species of hammerhead sharks. Females can produce up to 55 pups every 2 years. Sadly they are fished for there large fins for shark fin soup (STOP IT IS NOT RIGHT TO KILL SHARKS)

Photo by skylarprimm

Reproduction usually start by the male biting the female until she agrees to mate with him. Hammerhead sharks give birth to live young which means the baby is fully developed inside the mother but waiting to come out

Shark fin soup is a Asian soup that involves the killing of hammerhead sharks. Thankfully it is banned by some places and states in the U.S.A and there is the shark conservation act which is also against shark fin soup.

Photo by avlxyz

There are many hypothesis's to the reason to why hammerheads have hammerheads but my idea is that hammerhead have the big head to see prey on both sides and it is a adaption


  • There animal family is fish
  • They are carnivores
  • They live to 20-30 years.
  • They grow from 13-20 ft (4-6 m)
  • Another reason That they have there big heads is that they use it to pin stingrays to the ground before killing it
  • There grow to 500-1,000 lbs


  • DO NOT buy shark fin soup or any products that require shark body parts(shark steak,shark liver oil etc
  • If you are diving give the sharks space respect them.
  • If someone tries to sell shark body parts to you say “NO"
  • If there is a campain near you to stop shark killing see what you can do to help


  • 1.Tim is going shopping in China and there is a little stand that sells shark body parts what should he do?
  • (A) Buy them and say thank you.
  • (B) Call his Mom and ask for help.
  • (C) Ignore the stand and buy something else.
  • (D) Run away crying.
  • 2. True or False a male hammerhead shark mates a female buy giving her brain coral.


  • .What is the largest type of hammerhead shark
  • True or False Is a hammerhead shark born inside and alive in the mother.
  • Name 3 things that hammerhead sharks eat.
  • What is a hammer head sharks favorite food?
  • Does a Great hammerhead eat its young?


  • Is a hammerhead shark head shaped like a screw driver?
  • What is a reason that a hammerhead shark might have its hammerhead for?
  • How long does a hammerhead usually grow to?
  • How heavy does a hammerhead get?


  • 1.c
  • 2.False
  • 2.1Great hammer head.
  • 2.2True
  • 2.3 check diet page for answer.
  • 2.4 Sting ray
  • 2.5 yes
  • 3.1 no
  • 3.2 check page five for answers
Photo by Erik Charlton


  • 3.3 13-20 ft
  • 3.4 500-1,000 lbs
Photo by jfeuchter

Thanks and Good bye

All images from google and haiku deck
Photo by petersbar