MEANING BEHIND HAN The meaning behind the word "Han" evolved with time. Liu Bang named the dynasty after a river that ran across the area in which the dynasty was created. This river was named "Han", and so this became the name of the newly founded dynasty. However, with time, different definitions were created. After the fall of the Han Dynasty, "Han" became a Chinese word for "man".
EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM OF THE HAN WADI Han Wadi, also known as the "Martial Emperor", valued education because he came to the realization that the success of his bureaucratic centralization would depended on education. In result, he established an imperial university that would prepare men for future contribution to the government.
HAN WUDI'S FOREIGN POLICY Han Wudi took an aggressive approach because he thought the defensive method of the foreign policy used by his predecessors was not solving the foreign policy problems occurring under his reign.
PROBLEMS FOR SMALL LANDOWNERS IN ANCIENT CHINA Small land owners were given a disadvantage because they could not afford a private army, unlike the large land owners. This made them vulnerable to getting raided.
REFORMS PUT IN PLACE BY WANG MANG Wang Mang believed that the problem of excessive amounts of power of landowners was creating a threat. So to solve this problem, he claimed all of the land, distributing it among the citizens evenly. Then, he forbid any sales or rents of this property. However, this was not widely accepted and was not carried out.