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Han Dynasty

Published on Dec 08, 2015

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Photo by Ray Devlin

Liu Bang was a commander of the Chinese army during the end of the Qin dynasty. He took control and led china out of chaos and back into order, establishing a new dynasty, with himself as the head of course.
Liu Bang called the new dynasty the Han in honor of his home land.

Han Wudi
The educational system the “Martial Emperor” put in place was a university to train young boys to become ready for government work using the principles of Confucianism.
The key component of Han Wudi’s foreign policy included expansion. He expanded china to include Vietnam and Korea. He warred with the Xiongnu throughout most of the dynasty. They were their greatest enemy.

Land and Reform
Problems small landowners faced in China involved poor harvests, high taxes, or excessive debt. This lead to them having to sell their land and the gradual accumulation of land for the rich creating a large gap between the rich and poor in china. This led to robbery and rebellion.
The different reforms put in place by Wang Mang included the land redistribution policy. He gathered all the land in china and redistributed them in order to give landless people something to cultivate as well as limiting the size of land people could own. Miscommunication lead to destruction and his policy didn't work out.