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Published on Nov 23, 2015

A project for IB Psychology! :)



Sam K.

What is happiness?
To me, happiness is when you are truly content with life, and have a genuine sense of joy.

Photo by Zeusandhera

So what makes me happy?

Photo by mindfulness






What do I not have that would make me happier?

More money

To travel and shop and buy anything i need.

An apartment in a big city, like chicago

Because the city makes me really happy.

A nice car

More time to do things i love

because it seems we never really have enough.

Untitled Slide

a celine bag

because i am in love with them.

The definition of happiness would change if someone were to go through a life experience that made them reevaluate their life and recognize the beauty in the small things, instead of worrying about things we want and need.

Photo by SurFeRGiRL30

A person I know who is always happy is Alyson. She always knows how to make me smile. I admire her for that.

5 women said what makes women happy is:
money, attention, shopping, shoes, and chocolate.

5 women said what makes men happy is:
power, women, football, sports, and authority.

5 men said what makes women happy is:
boys, drama, jewelry, spending money, and shopping.

5 men said what makes men happy is:
women, football, money, Buffalo Wild Wings, and beer.

I believe happiness is up to you as an individual. We are too focused on what is wrong in our lives, and what other people have and we don't, a change in mindset could change our outlook on life.