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Happy 40th Lisa D

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Happy 40th Year of Life

Early Days

brain damage and bad hair

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nice hair


Old Mole Mrs Johnston and 'that' dress

yep, that cherrylicious dress!

rockin' out on the redstones


first day of school

sandals and socks; please don't judge

applying for the mines

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Glenden; The Downie Dogs Arrive

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Dem Damn Hawt Downie Dogs

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will the real cabbage patch kid please stand up

the paper wasp incident

Photo by e_monk

Rocky. Acne. Alcohol. Attractive.

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Let the Mining Begin

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Nice Bryce

hot photo of Lisa

another hot photo of Lisa

fugly photo of lisa

the future?

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a genteel toast

a Downie toast

Love you Lis xxx