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Hardware Technologies for Game Platforms

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Hardware Technologies for Game Platforms

Photo by Ryan Somma

Human-Computer Interface

  • A piece of technology that is controlled by the use of a person
  • Examples of this would be, Keyboards, Computer mice, Moblie phones etc
Photo by leyrlo☂

Central Processor Unit

  • The CPU is the unit that processes data and how data travels 
  • There are only tow brands of CPU's. The major two being Intel and AMD
  • A minor brand of CPU is VIA Technologies
  • The highest CPU frequency ever reached was 8794.33 MHz 
Photo by William Hook

Graphic Processor

  • The GPU is the device the accelerates the rate of rendering images 
  • The two major makes of GPU's are Nvidia and AMD
  • The GPU renders both 2D and 3D graphics
Photo by SideWaysET


  • The main use of memory is to store information of any device
  • Different types of memory are RAM, SD, HDD, SDD and flash
  • What RAM does is it is the place where when a computer is turned on 
Photo by Thomás


  • There are multiple types of display models that game technologies can use
  • Two of these being either built in external displays
  • Internal displays are typically used by laptops, tablets and mobile phones.
  • External displays can also be used by laptops but are used more by PC's
  • Most displays are LCD or LED and have a resolution of 1080p
Photo by heanster


  • Sound is made possible on game platforms by sound cards
  • Unless you're deaf. Sound cards are a necessity
  • The main function of a sound card is to play audio
  • Most device nowadays have a sound card inside them.
Photo by Keoni Cabral

Game Storage medium

  • Typically most game platforms use a hard drive as its primary memory space 
  • But devices like the iPhone use flash memory
  • PC's can also use either Solid State Drives or Hard Drives
  • For next gen consoles, whole games are saved on the Blu-ray disc format
  • Also on any game platform, game save data is saved on its main memory space
Photo by code_martial

Interface Devices

  • Interface devices are external devices that can be used with a game platform
  • Examples of this are controllers, keyboards, mice and head sets
  • These are most commonly either wired or wireless
  • Controllers are typically wireless with mice and keyboards being wired
  • Most interface devices would connect via USB 
Photo by joo0ey


  • The most common type of connectivity for any electrical device is WI-FI
  • Most devices such as mobile phones and laptop also feature bluetooth
Photo by Tueksta

Power Supply

  • The power supply is simply, what gives different game platforms power
  • Their are two types of battery in game platforms. Internal and External
  • The PS2 doesn't feature a internal battery but has an external power supply
  • But PC's feature a intenal power source
Photo by ukmari