We've started seeing a disinvestment in harm reduction in the UK.
Services have been told that if they keep 'Harm Reduction' in their title they won't get funding.
Specialist needle programmes in many areas are being closed leaving only pharmacy based provision available (with the best will in the world pharmacy services can't do everything a specialist service can, they're already far too busy)
The original idea for the cafes came out of a similar idea from the skeptics movement. Skeptics hold regular "skeptics in the pub" meetings where they meet to discuss the latest science research, activism and socialise.
The skeptics movement has many parallels with harm reduction especially when it comes to promoting evidence based approaches.
Since the Internet organising has become far easier. Using social media allows us to find like minded people with ease as get messages spread internationally as soon as we 'broadcast' them.
With online collaboration tools, wiki's and forums putting together high quality information is easier than it has ever been.