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Hasty Generlization

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Dont be a victim of a crook take a second look. Hasty Generlization


Hasty Generlization

How to spot them
Photo by rishibando


  •  Sample is too small to support the conclusion
  • Conclusion based on a typical or average situation
  • Hasty conclusion without considering all variables
Photo by ginnerobot


  • I saw a girl get in a car crash so all girls must be bad drivers 
  • Some Alaskan punched me so all Alaskans must be violent
  • I saw a drunk homeless man so all homeless  people are alcoholics.
Photo by akk_rus

WHere they go wrong

  • I saw A GIRL get in a car crash so ALL girls must be bad drivers
  • A. There is not enough evidenice to support what they are saying
  • B. "A girl" is just one girl 
  • C. Speaker would have to get statisics on car crashes to make a valid point
Photo by striatic

Where they go wrong

  • SOME Alaskan punched me so ALL Alaskans must be violent
  • A. "Some Alaskan" is just one alaskan
  • B. One violent Alaskan is not enough to say all Alaskans are violent 
Photo by morganglines

Where they go wrong

  • I saw A drunk homeless man so ALL HOMELESS PEOPLE are alcoholics.
  • A. "A homeless man" is just one homeless man
  • B. The speaker is basing all homeless poeple on just one homeless man.
Photo by Franco Folini

Just remember.....

Photo by illuminaut

Dont be a victim of a crook

Take a Second Look
Photo by @Doug88888