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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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By: Kelsi, Alex, and Eric


  • Why did she want to be depicted as a man?
  • Why did she want to be pharaoh?


  • She was born is Egypt in 1508 B.C.-- and died at age 50 in 1458 B.C.
  • she was the longest raining female pharaoh in Kemet raining for more then 20 year
  • She married her half borther Thutmose ll in 1615 B.C. who reigned for 15 years


  • She dressed as a king and even wore a false beard and began having herself depicted as a traditional king.
  • Unlike other rulers in her dynasty, she was more intrested in ensuring economic prosperity and building and restoring mouments throughtout Keet and Nubia than in conqiering new lands.
  • Hatshepsut built two obelisks, cut at the Ancient Granite quarry in Aswan and transported them to Kamak Temple
Photo by sdhaddow


  • Her father died when she was 12
  • She declared herself pharoah around 1417 B.C.
  • She built the Mortuary temple at Beir el Bahri called Djeser-Djeseru(holiest of holy places)
Photo by ialja