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Published on Nov 23, 2015

Dcooper by God assignment


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  • Taken during holocaust in a consentraition camp
  • People starving and dieing
  • What are they thinking? How do they feel?

Taken during the holocaust outside a concentration camp. Shows Jews lined up why are they all lined up for?

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  • Taken on a fence guarding a consentration camp
  • Seems to be two jews that are dead
  • what they did to deserve to die?

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  • Taken in a conesntraition camp
  • Looks like jews and guards standing beside them
  • what they are dressed up for?

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  • Taken in a holocaust grave site
  • Looks like a pile of dead jewish people killed by nazis
  • How did the nazis killed them?

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  • My name is victor Lewis. I was born in Kharkov Poland. When the invasion of the nazis first started my family was sent to a ghetto to live. There we had limited food and supplies. During my tensor there before I escaped I witnessed all my siblings and parents die then one night a few other member in our ghetto community gathered up some transportation and I was off with them with no looking back. I made it to the u.s. Within a few months and lived in Brooklyn. I am truly blessed for my life. Take nothing for granite.

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