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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Hawaiin animals

There are many interesting animals here in Hawaii. They are fun to see and see how the adapted to the environment here in Hawaii.

Photo by Phil's 1stPix

The first animal we are going to talk about is the sea turtle. The sea turtle has adapted to the environment there because tehy have rough skin that helps protect them from the sun and water.

Photo by bmward_2000

There are many different tyoes of lizards in Hawaii some live up in the trees and others on the ground the ones on the ground adapted because there is moisture in the ground and the insects and the lizards in the top can find insects from the trees.

Photo by TexasEagle

One of the most interesting animal is a boar. There adaption is that they have rough hooves for the rocky ground. The other adaption it that they have sharp teeth to attack their pray.

Photo by northways

The other animal is a frog and they adapt to the Hawaiin environment because some of them have poison on them. The other adaption is that other frogs have the color of there skin like the things they are surrounded to.

Photo by jinterwas

Those are some of the types of animals that live here in Hawaii that you will enjoy to see on your trip to Hawaii


Plants is hawaii
Photo by blentley

There are many different ypes of species of palnts. Most of these plants were introduced because Hawaii is an isolated island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Photo by blmiers2

Hawaii is a tropical place and when some of these plants were brought here they have gone into a wild plant and now there is a number of them becoming a serious invasion. Some of these plants are forestry trees, exotic tropical flowers, former houseplants, and many more.

Photo by fabiogis50

The hibiscus flower is one of the most tropical flowers species grown in Hawaii. These flowers are 4 to 6 inches. These flowers are grown as large bushes with other old plants that reach 15 feet tall.

Photo by Swami Stream

The cocount tree is probably the most recognize plant in Hawaii. This tree is perfect because when people want to go out and sit int the beach it is nice and so it give out so much shade.

Photo by blmiers2

The Ti plant is also one of the introduction by the Hawaiians. This plant is used for many things it is used for medical purpose, used to make clothes, and wrappings for food.

Photo by seanmcgrath

The ginger plant can be used for cooking. This flower undergoes processing that prevents it from grounding and sprouting. The ginger plant has to grow in very moist soil so, its a good thing this plant is in hawaii because it is pretty moist there.

Photo by Matthew Fang


Climate in Hawaii
Photo by OliBac

The climate in Hawaii is warm. Lots of people enjoy going on vacation here because of the heat.

There are a lot of vacations tooken here in Hawaii and people enjoy seeing the sun set and they enjoy that its warm all day and all night.

Photo by overgraeme

In Honolulu, Hawaii the temperature where are always warm. There ar various types of weather in Hawaii like hurricanes and there is always nice weather.

Photo by Valentina_A

People enjoy going to Hawaii because Hawaii has amazing views and there is many activities you can to while you are on a vist here in Hawaii.

Hawaii has amazing temperatures to go and visit. Hawaii has many amazing things for you so come visit Hawaii.

Photo by mybulldog


You will have a unforgettable experience
Photo by Rob-Wei

Citations Nui Loa, Aloha. "Flowers in Hawaii – Maui’s Amazing Diversity." Valley Tsle Excursions. 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. . "Plant Overview." Instant Hawaii. Please Read Our Terms and Conditions For Use All Images and Content, Unless Otherwise Indicated, Are © 2004-2015 InstantHawaii / David Cook Nene Photo in Top Graphics by Brenda Zaun, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. .