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Published on Nov 21, 2015

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By:Mariah Chaney And Alysha Enright
Photo by daveynin

We got here because our boat crashed. Hawaii,Kahoolawe is a bombing area for military troops.A bomb exploded under water and the radiation made our motor explode.We only have a pocket knife, 6 unused matches,and a hand held mirror.


  • We are going to make a teepee for our shelter out of bamboo.
  • We are also going to use leaves to use as doors and as a carpet.
Photo by potomo

We can use a hand held mirror to the reflection of the sun to the sticks and make a fire.

Photo by luc.viatour

We can take some ocean water by taking a coconut and cutting the top off with the pocket knife. Put water in the coconut like a bowl and boil it over fire so the salt can get to the bottom.

Photo by kreezzalee

Some dangerous fish are scorpion fish, the stingray, and the poisonous crown-of-thorns starfish.You can eat Surgeon fish.

Photo by quinet