Published on Nov 28, 2015

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Kai Ming SF


Kai Ming is dedicated to collaborate with outstanding partners from all areas ~ community based organizations, city departments, and academic institutes. Our join intention is to improve the quality of life of most volunerable families through innovative, evidence-based practices.

The following list represetns some of our partners. We are updating his page periodically.

Partner in alphabetic order Partnership with Kai Ming
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

The Asian Art Museum of San Francisco leads a diverse, global audience in discovering the distinctive materials, aesthetics and intellectual achievements of Asian art and cultures, and to serve as a bridge of understanding between Asia and the United States and between the diverse cultures of Asia. Their unique partnership with Kai Ming will help deepen the curriculum offered to children and families by using art as a vehicle to deepen children’s understanding of culture, society, history and language, and engaging children’s senses and creativity in the learning process.

Chinese New Comers Service Centers

Offers FAIR (Financial Advice, Information and Referral), an asset building program to assist individuals who live in low to moderate income neighborhoods to get and learn to read a free credit report, access a low or no cost bank checking account, learn how to manage money and start saving, qualify for discount programs (phone, utilities, car insurance, MUNI), access free benefits programs like food stamps and health insurance and receive financial coaching.

Epiphany Center

Serves vulnerable children and families experiencing substance abuse, mental illness, chaotic parenting, and severe physical and mental trauma. The program has a Parent-Child Center (serving 30 children), Residential Services (59 women), In-Home Services (41 families), Pediatric Clinic (71 children) and Family Treatment (18 children). The Parent Child Center is an Early Head Start Center that specifically works with infants and toddlers who have been prenatally exposed to drugs. Kai Ming is partnering with the Epiphany Center to provide continuity of care for the children and families when they transition out of Epiphany Center and are ready to move to a Head Start program.

Fu Yau Project

The Fu Yau Project is a collaboration of Richmond Area Multi-Services, Inc. (RAMS) and Chinatown Child Development Center (CCDC). RAMS, Inc. is a private, non-profit mental health agency with an emphasis on serving Asian & Pacific Islander Americans. The Fu Yau Project provides high-quality, culturally and linguistically appropriate prevention and early intervention mental health services across all Kai Ming centers in the community, for children ages 3-5 years old. Services include on-site child observation; clinical consultation with early education staff and families; on-site intervention with individual and groups of children; parenting classes and support groups; and in-service training for staff on topics relating to child development and mental health issues.

Golden Gate Regional Center (GGRC), San Francisco County

GGRC is a state-funded nonprofit organization in serving individuals with children with developmental disabilities in San Francisco, Marin and San Mateo counties. GGRC provides services for locally families to meet their children with special needs. One of the services includes Early Intervention Services for infants and toddlers up to 36 months of age who have developing delay or high risk of developing a delay.
Kai Ming develops a connection with GGRC’s social workers that they would referral families who are looking for preschool program once their children with special needs reach to ages of 36 months in order to service these children with needs and continue to receive education in early child development..

Human Services Agency (HSA)
Through its ACCESS program (Accessible Child Care Expedited for the Shelter System), HSA assists families with children under 3 years of age who are homeless (or have been homeless in the past 6 months) obtain child care. ACCESS works with Compass Family Services (Compass) and a small group of homeless and domestic violence shelters, such as Hamilton Family Center, to provide much needed services to families. The relationship with the Human Services Agency will allow Kai Ming to increase access to services to its families in need of infant/toddler care, as well as to provide stable preschool environments for ACCESS children. This formal partnership will allow Kai Ming to reserve a minimum of 20 preschool slots for homeless children referred by ACCESS.
Preschool for All (PFA)

First 5 SF

The mission of First 5 San Francisco Preschool For All (PFA) is for every child to have equal access to a high-quality preschool program. Preschool programs receive public funding from the City and County of San Francisco through the PFA program, made possible through Proposition H and administered by First 5 San Francisco to expand children's access to preschool and to improve the quality of preschool throughout San Francisco. Funding supports teacher training and support, improvements to the environment, purchasing supplies, enhancing literacy, arts, and science activities. By participating in PFA, Kai Ming classrooms have access to resources that enrich the services we offer to children. These include funding to improve the classroom environment, teacher training opportunities and support through the provision of coaches across all Kai Ming classrooms, hands-on science visits, early literacy programs, and creative artist residencies. All of these contribute to children receiving the highest quality preschool experience.

Prevent Blindness: Children’s Vision Screening Program

Prevent Blindness staff come to our sites and provide vision screening to our children each year. If diagnosed with a vision problem, the child will be referred to an eye doctor for further follow up. All services are free of charge.

Raising – A – Reader

raising a reader

Raising-A-Reader (RAR) is an early literacy program that helps families celebrate reading together and fall in love with books. They provide each of our Kai Ming classrooms a weekly rotation of red book bags to be sent home with families. The book bags are filled with high-quality, developmentally appropriate, multilingual and multicultural children’s books.
Kai Ming children also experience regular RAR read-alouds in the classroom which keep them excited about reading and sharing the red bags with their families. Raising A Reader also provides training and tips for parents in interactive, brain-boosting, book sharing strategies in person and with a take-home Share A Book with me DVD, as well as ongoing support to teachers to ensure that the book bag rotation is running smoothly, and that the program is integrated into their literacy curriculum.

San Francisco State University (SFSU)

Kai Ming is working with Dr. Mina Kim from San Francisco State University, Department of Elementary Education, whose expertise is in early childhood education, to develop a model for transitioning vulnerable children ages 3 to 5 to a center-based preschool setting, as well as develop and implement teacher trainings across various topics. To meet the needs of this particular population, through this collaboration, a model will be established for Kai Ming to provide more specific support to vulnerable children, such as children exposed to homelessness or substance abuse, through evidence-based best practice.

Meanwhile, nursing students from SFSU come to our sites and complete height/weights/blood pressures/vision/hearing screening for our children each year. The nursing students also provide health education training for children and parents.

San Francisco Unified School District
Kai Ming has partnered with SFUSD to provide children and their families access to seamless quality services including early intervention through special education, kindergarten transition for continuity of service, shared processes toward school readiness goals and data sharing for tracking of student achievement. SFUSD is the seventh largest school district in California, educating over 55,000 students every year and acts as the Local Education Agency (LEA).
Support for Families of Children with Disabilities (SFCD)

Support for Families of Children with Disabilities is a non-profit agency for providing services for all children with any kinds of disabilities or special health needs. SFCD provides information, resources and workshops for parents and professionals in order to meet their needs in understanding how to support the children with special needs. In addition, parent support groups are available for parents such as autism group, behavior support group, or forester parent support group. Kai Ming is collaborated with SFCD for sharing information and resource for Kai Ming’s teaching staff and parents. We have been receiving training that provided by SFCD in order to enhance knowledge or skill of working with children with special needs. Moreover, SFCD provides inclusion coaching / technical assistance plan for our teaching staff in understanding of working with children with needs.

University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)

Kai Ming is working with Dr. Jyu-Lin Chen, RN, CNS, Associate Professor in Family Health Care Nursing at the UCSF School of Nursing to enhance our current health and nutrition services to children and families. Through this partnership, we would assess our current services, design and implement a stronger health and nutrition program, and evaluate outcomes of our services for the purpose of promoting healthy lifestyle and healthy learning in young children and their families. Parents are also viewed as key players in this collaboration. Their participation is essential in designing the program, enhancing communication among parents and disseminating of information regarding workshops and other parent education opportunities.

Universtiy of Colorado

Since 2011, Kai Ming has been working with Dr. Pui Fong Kan and her research team from University of Colorado, Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences to develop a Chinese-English language acquisition screening tool. Currently, the tool is being piloted in the classrooms, and a longitudinal study is being conducted on children's Chinese and English language development, as well as intervention and evaluation of the Dual Language Curriculum.

Kai Ming - Head Start
900 Kearny St Suite 600,
San Francisco, CA 94133

November 17 - 20th

Contact: Brigitte Latouf


Two classrooms * Four playsets

  • Train Two Teachers
  • Pre & Post Assess approx 15 students per class
  • Day of Roll Out - Student Support in Classroom
  • Tech Support via Phone

Roll Out HS

  • 4 Playsets
  • 4 iPads
  • One UX, Two Days
  • Confirm 11/17 - 20

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