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HEalth Psychology

Published on Dec 05, 2015

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HEalth Psychology

By: Christian Seni 

Health psychology is a way for us to identify how psychological disorders effect us using scientific evidence/methods

Counseling Psychology

  • Collect info, Document patient information
  • Counsel individual/group help them cope with a crisis
  • Develop treatment plans based on patients needs
  • Evaluate the results of counseling methods to determine reliability
  • Refer Patients to specialists for non counseling treatment problems 

Counseling Examples
Family Crisis
Loss of employment
Death of a friend or loved one.

Job loss leads to high Stress

and depression 

I forecast that counseling psychology will increase in years to come.
High divorce rates in U.S
High rates of unemployment

Average Age:30 Remarriage: 3yrs

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establish a relationship with your patient

A relationship with trust

Listen TO YOUR patient

Listen with compassion


Build a model for your patient of how to fix the problem at hand!

My mission is to help each patient individually overcome any problem that is at hand

If my patient is determined to overcome their problems we will overcome any problem that's at hand.