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Health Triangle

Published on Aug 19, 2021

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Health Triangle

By: Alexandria Ahmed

What is being healthy?

  • Being physically healthy (Getting in the necessary amount of time for fitness and keeping a good diet)
  • Socially healthy (Having good relationships with family, friends, and other people you interact with)
  • Mentally healthy (Keeping stress levels to a minimum and making sure you are happy and contempt with your life)
Photo by Evie S.

How do I stay Physically healthy?

  • Get a minimum of 60 minutes to physical activity daily (with breaks as needed)
  • Maintain a healthy and balanced 3 meals a day
  • Consume vegetables with your meals frequently to get the necessary vitamins to keep your body in good shape
Photo by Jamie Street

How do I stay socially healthy?

  • Communication is key, if a argument happens talk about how you feel and work out your mistakes
  • Keep in contact. Staying in touch with friends and family that can help support you when you need it can help you maintain healthy.
Photo by Alexis Brown

How do I stay emotionally healthy?

  • Reach out. When your not feeling your best reaching out is key! Tell people how you feel so you can work through your emotions
  • De-stress. When your feeling stressed take a step back and try to calm your nerves (music and reading may help)
  • Let out your emotions in a healthy manner. Bottling up emotions may lead to a explosion of them, talk to someone about your feelings before that happens.
Photo by Total Shape

Maintaining balance is key to being healthy all around. If one side is off then it affects all other sides and just overall isn't healthy

Health Triangle

By: Alexandria Ahmed