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Health Triangle

Published on Jun 14, 2016

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Health Triangle

Photo by jordan_lloyd

A health triangle has 3 essential parts to it; mental, physical, and social. These three things are the key aspects of a persons health and wellness, what impacts them the most on both an everyday and long term level. A very healthy person will have all of these sides evened out.


  • this is usually the most commonly thought of part of the health triangle.
  • Physical health has to do with your weight and height, diseases, eating habits, and exercise.
  • Your physical heath may have a large impact on your social health.
  • Having healthy habbits to keep yourself physically fit leads to a longer more wholsom life.
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Social health has to do with how you interact with other people and the relationships you maintain.
  • Your social health has a very large impact on your mental health and how you feel about yourself.
  • to maintain good social health you need good relationship skills and boundries along with as much social interaction as you need.
Photo by moriza


  • Your mental health has to do with your knowledge and self esteem.
  • Maintaining a high opinion of yourself and a good sense of self worth are necessary to have good mental health.
  • But don't forget, one of the most important parts of having good mental health is your capability to handle stress. Your body is effected in crazy ways when you don't handle your stress properly. To much stress can result in strokes or heart attacks

A perfect health triangle is an equilateral triangle. Your sides mental, physical, and social should be even. If your in tip-top physical shape but have awful relationship skills you aren't truly healthy. All sides of the triangle effect each other so they should all be even. You should work to achieve a perfect triangle your whole life. keep your health as close to balanced as you can and your life will be much better than otherwise.

health triangle

by: Michael W.