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Health Triangle

Published on Jan 06, 2023

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Health Triangle

By: Chelsea Loera

#1 Physical Health

  • Physical health is all about the condition of your body.It is your weight that is according to your height. If you are in shape or not. If you have a sickness or disease. How your heart, lungs, and organs are working. How much sleep you get. Your nutrition and if you use harmful substances. All of these things can affect your physical health positively or negatively.
Photo by Ed Yourdon

#2 Social Health

  • Social Health is all about the people around you. In other words, your relationships and how well you are able to interact with them. These people could be your family, friends, authority figures, and boyfriends or girlfriends.

#3 Emotional/Mental Health

  • According to Red Oak Recovery Emotional/Mental Health is "the ability to cope with and manage emotions. It’s also the ability to have positive relationships. Mental health is the ability to think clearly and make good decisions. It’s also the ability to cope with stress and manage emotions." So, it's your brain's thoughts and abilities. What you know and don't know. Your ability to learn new skills. Your self-esteem and attidutes; how you reduce your stress, and any mental illness you might have.

#4 Ideal Health

  • An Ideal Health for me is having balance with your physical, social, and emotional/mental health. It is not worrying or putting too much attention to one side and leaving the others out. Or not putting the necessary attention to a side(s) For example, you might be very obese, or you are a person who has no control over their emotions, thoughts, and feelings. Also you can be someone who has a hard time getting along with others. An example for this would be bullying. You are either the victim or the bully. This is not an ideal health; Ideal health would be eating healthy, exercising, and sleeping well. Handling emotions properly, and getting along with others by respecting and caring for them.
Photo by Miguel Bruna