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Health Triangle

Published on Jun 04, 2019

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Health Triangle

The key to a balanced, healthy life
Photo by Brooke Lark

The Factors of a Health Triangle

1.) Physical 2.) Social 3.) Mental- Must be balanced to maintain wellness

Physical- Physical health focuses on your external body and includes obtaining a healthy diet, exercising regularly, and getting at least 8 hours of sleep.

Social health- This allows you to maintain healthy relationships in your life. It helps you adapt to different social settings and is an important factor when connecting with society.

Mental health- Deals with how one's brain copes with daily life. Just like the external body, your internal body can get illnesses. It is important to take care of your mind like your body.

Ideal Health- It is important to keep all aspects of the health triangle balanced as you can not achieve overall wellness with just one. Equally caring for each factor is key to maintain ideal health

Health Triangle

By: Ava Gentleman