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Hearth And The Salamander A-H

Published on Nov 24, 2015

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A is for Arson

The criminal act of deliberately setting something on fire. In the book, the firefighters light houses with books on fire.

Photo by kevin dooley

B is for Books

A written or printed work consisting of pages glued together and bound in covers. Books in Fahrenheit 451 all get burned.

Photo by Éole

C is for Creativity

The use of imagination or original ideas. Creativity is viewed as insanity in Fahrenheit 451.

D is for Deluded

Imposing a misleading belief upon. Mildred was deluded, she thought of the people on tv as her family.

Photo by ecstaticist

E is for Ember

A small piece of burning coal or wood leftover from a fire. Embers are left over from burnt books in Fahrenheit 451.

F is for Fire

Combustion or burning. Firefighters in the book set books and houses with books in them on fire.

G is for Guy Montag

Guy Montag is the main character of the book.

H is for House

A building for human habitation. Houses with books in them are burnt.


ABC Book
Photo by crumpart