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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by karen horton

Facts about Hebrew

  • National language of the Jewish population of Israel
  • The original language of the bible
  • Hebrew belongs to the Canaanite group
  • Hebrew is a semitic language
  • Biblical Hebrew have crystallized over 3000 years
Photo by RVillar 

1200 BCE

  • Exodus from Egypt 
  • Conquest of Canaan
  • Birth of the Hebrew nation 
  • National home
A significant day to remember, the time of Exodus from Egypt and the conquest of Canaan; this date marks the birth of the nation and their language in their national home. The exact nature of the Hebrew language can only be inferred.
The tribes of Israel didn't use the same type of Hebrew. The tribes were geographically nor politically unified.
During this period there was no fixed dialects of the language

Photo by Wonderlane

Biblical Hebrew

classical BH functioned as a living language until the end of the First Tem
When the israelite tribes coalesced into a homogenous political unit under the monarchy in Jerusalem (10-11 BCE), it emerged as a fully formed literary language whose poetic grandeur is attested by the oldest portions of the bible, which was written about the same time.
Photo by On Being

David Monarchy

First Temple in Jerusalem 1000BCE
A new standard of Hebrew was created that reflected a united winning nation. A language of the capital and the royal court that was nurtured by scribes, secretaries, provincial administrators on one hand, and the schools of priests and prophets on the other hand. The standard differ greatly by the spoken dialects, and especially those outside Jerusalem and Judea. But it was comprehensible to all.
Photo by fscc102599

First Temple

  • Hebrew was pluralistic in its style
  • Uniform and homogeneous style
  • avoiding localism & provincialism
  • a national language of centralized
  • puristic in stylistic taste
avoiding unnecessary foreign words and in particular Aramaic or Aramaic looking forms, as these represented the language of the neighbors and often the rival states.
Photo by zeevveez

Hebrew Kept its prestigious status as the language of the early books of the bible. It survived as a literary language until the second century BCE,

Mishnaic Hebrew

  • upon the return to Zion and building the second Temple 
  • The role of Aramaic was greatly extended and being the Near east lingua 
  • Aramaic and Spoken Mishnaic Hebrew entered the written Biblical Hebrew 
  • Conservative sects of Judaism continued writing BH, the Pharisees used MH
  • The Macabee revolt presented a condition which brought a linguisitc change
Photo by Arnasia

Mishnaic Hebrew

  • Continued as a living written in most communities
  • Written materials such as: Mishana, Toseftah, Halachic Midrashim, Talmud 
  • In this period 200 BCE -800 CE contains thousand of  New Hebrew words
  • This period opened itself to the surrounding none- Jewish world (Helenistic
  • Most of the writings in Palestine and Babylonia but further to Egypt  

Rabbinic Hebrew

  • Mishnaic Hebrew died in speech but produced prose and poetry   
  • outpouring of liturgical poetry (piyut) spanned over 1000 years 
  • produced 1000 of new Hebrew words forms and meanings 
  • early stage of piyut was in Near East and finally reached Europe 800
Photo by Anita363

1100 -1700

  • Hebrew employed mainly by the hebrew poets of medieval Spain
  • The writes of the Jewish Enlightenment movement in Eastern Europe 1700-1900
  • Praying and reciting the Bible in the original Hebrew has never ceased.
  • Hebrew morphological structure was preserved throughout the ages
  • Hebrew uniformity is seen in the various layers of the language

Medieval Jewry

southern European Mediterranean Near eastern - Sephradic 

Medieval Jewry

Northern European and Eastern - Askenaizc 

Ashkenazic Jews remained more insulated from outside influence and wrote virtually only in Hebrew.

The Sephardic Jewry wrote not only in Mishnaic style but also in Juedo- Ara

The sephardic jews that opened completely to the world were in the borders 
Photo by Rachel-Esther

1400 Era
Hebrew had become one of the World's great language alongside Latin and Arabic

Photo by KAZVorpal

The Enlightenment 1750

  • The movement began in Italy & Germany 
  • 1800 rapidly moved to eastern Europe 
  • spread among urban middle class Jewry 
  • middle of the century 
Photo by mendhak

Eliezer Ben Yehudah

The first person to call on the diglossia in favor of Hebrew as spoken 

Hebrew Campaign

  • The revival of Spoken Hebrew  1800 among the enlightened Jews 
  • Ben Yehudah campaign of Hebrew linguistics nationalism 
  • Ben Yehudah settled in Jerusalem with his family and began raising a Hebrew
  • Eastern European pioneers who came to settle the land supported BY
  • Newspapers periodical  and dictionary were in the center of BY work

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Photo by karen horton

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תל אביב

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Photo by Fem Eggers

תל אביב

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Photo by Britrob