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Hello My name is Natasha

Published on Nov 20, 2015

Presentation to teens in Detroit on depression



Photo by Jan Tik

Teen Depression Agenda

  • Introduction
  • Take Aways
  • Information On Teen Depression
  • Short videos from film on Teen Depression

Agenda for Teen Depression Discussion

  • Discuss and process Film
  • Question and Answer

Take Aways

  • Understand that depression is a medical illness that involves chemicals in the brain.
  • Identifiy some of the key symptoms of depression
  • Describe effective treatments for depression in teens
Photo by @Doug88888

Depression is defined as:

A mental disorder that affects a person’s thought, moods, feelings, behavior and physical health. People once thought Depression was “All in the Head” and if one really tried one could “Snap out of it” or just “Get over it.”

Photo by fakelvis

It is now known that Depression is not a weakness and not something people can treat on their own.

Depression is a medical disorder with a biological and chemical basis and can affect people of all ages and nationalities.

Photo by rawlands

Depression can be triggered by stressful life events.

Divorce of parent

Violence in the home


Death of someone close to you

Inability to find success in school

Depression can seem to occur spontaneously with no specific identifiable causes.

Depression is much more than grieving or experiencing a bout of sadness.

Photo by Giulia Bartra

Lecture Discussion on Teen Depression

  • Some of the symptoms of depression can be misunderstood for normal mood swings that almost all adolescents experience
  • Sometimes parents and teachers may sometime find it difficult to distinguish these short lived moods for depression
Photo by Aperture Yogi

In general, Depression is likely to be present when the following conditions are met:

Symptoms last at least two weeks without a break.

There is a clear change from the adolescents normal mood or behavior.

The symptoms are observed in several different context (home, work, school or friends).

Photo by puck90

Some Symptoms of Depression in adolescents :

A persistent feeling of being down in the dumps.

Trouble sleeping, sleeping too much.

Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities.

Difficulty concentrating and feeling hopeless.

Using alcohol or drugs to cope with feelings of being down or tense.

Photo by nilswer

Feeling like a failure or disappointment

Self-harm behaviors such as cutting or burning.

Angry outburst

Wishing for death

It is estimated that only 1 out of every 3 adolescents who deal with Depression get help. Frequently depressed teens don’t recognize they are experiencing symptoms of a treatable illness and are afraid of what treatment involves.

Photo by TheeErin


What do you think some barriers are that would prevent someone from seeking help?

Photo by Jilligan86

Depression is one of the most treatable of all mental illness disorders.

Effective treatment for Depression include psychotherapy, medication or a combination of the two.

Photo by zenera

More than Sad is a program of the American Foundation for suicide prevention and teen depression that provides education about factors that put youth at risk.
The videos will take five minutes to view then we will discuss it. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6741C0EECBED8BC2

How did each of these teens exhibit Depression differently?

What are some of the stresses these teens faced?



What is Depression best described as?

What are some likely symptoms of Depression?

How long do the symptoms need to last before diagnosis can be made?

What is the exact cause of Depression?

What are some proven treatments for Depression in teens.



Photo by Auntie P