A month after the Ford Motor Company was established, the first Ford car - the two-cylinder, eight-horsepower Model A—was assembled at a plant on Mack Avenue in Detroit.
Ford was dedicated to the production of an efficient and reliable automobile that would be affordable for everyone; the result was the Model T, which made its debut in October 1908.
Ford was very proud to call the automobile his own he was really happy that he had made an invention that will effect a lot of people
At the time the aoutomobil was built there were only a few cars being made per day
The cars that were being made we're hand made by only groups of two or three workers
When the automobiles ad came out they became big really fast
There were so many orders for the automobile
There was so much orders that the company couldn't Handle it they had to work day and night to complete all the orders
As a result, he put into practice techniques of mass production that would revolutionize American industry, including the use of large production plants; standardized, interchangeable parts; and the moving assembly line
As a result of having mass that took down time to make the automobiles which was a result for the cost of the automobile had to stay low to keep the company alive