Hephaestus is the god of fire and blacksmiths.
Sometimes fire is called the breath of Hephaestus, his name is often used as a synonymous with fire.
There are a few different theories as to how Hephaestus was born. Some say that Hephestus was born of Hera independent of Zeus; others say that Hephestus was born when Hera prayed to the titans for a child, and that prayer was answered. Despite which is true, there is one common event, after Hephaestus is born, he is banished from Olympus, he is thrown from the heavens.
After Hephaestus was dropped from Olympus, he was received by the marine goddesses Thetis and Eurynome. Hephestus lived with the goddesses for nine years surrounded by Oceanus, during that time he made them a variety of ornaments.
The Romans knew Hephestus as Vulcan
Hephaestus was the male equivalent of Athena. Hephaestus gave skill to mortal artists and helped teach men the arts which embellish and adorn life.
Fun facts
- Hephaestus's favorite place on Earh was the island of Lemonos.
- His wife was Aphrodite.
- Hephaestus's wife Aphrodite was unfaithful and cheated on him with Ares. Hephaestus Humiliated the two by crafting a net so thin that it was invisible to even the gods, the two lovers were caught in the net and all the other gods saw them.