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Hiring Talent

Published on Nov 21, 2015

McMahon Summary on Todd Whitaker's Hiring Practices of Effective Principals 2015


Hiring Talent

Going for Great  - not just Good
Photo by franlhughes

Chapter 8
Hiring Great Teachers

In Whitaker's book "What Great Principals do differently", he takes the stance that it is not about experience - it's about TALENT

Get it Right the First Time

Hire for the school you envision not the one you have
Photo by Bidwell, Coby

The Hiring Basics

  • Best Hire is Not Necessarily the Most Experienced or Educated
  • Look for Leaders
  • No LIFO or FIFO
  • Talent Trumps All

Better to hire dynamic teachers and work to keep them that way. It can be more difficult to motivate and restore enthusiasm in experienced faculty and staff.

Don't be afraid to think outside the box - Look for Leaders

Go for GREAT - not just good. Don't be afraid to hire someone who has natural talent - but not all the credentials.

Photo by d_pham

No "Last In First Out" or "First In First Out"
No pecking order - No seniority
Talented Leaders working to make the school better will advance and head-up programs

Photo by Leonrw

Talent is...

  • Inherent and equates to the "total package"
  • A love of students
  • Being inquisitive - bright
  • Getting along well with others
  • Having a positive outlook
  • Demonstrating a great work ethic
  • Exhibiting leadership skills
  • Being charismatic (people want to follow her)

Begin with the End in Mind

McMahon 2015
Photo by mrsdkrebs