Definition:Prince of Portugal who supported navigation for his country.He built a navigation school to advanced new sailing technologies and practices.
Sentence: His major accomplishment was opening a naval school technology for Porugal.
Analogy: Prince Henry the Navigator:Route to Africa:: Christopher Columbus:Route to India
Definition:This war was fought in 1917 by the Russian people in order to change Russia's government. The people were angry with Czar Nicholas II's government with not providing enough food or jobs
Sentence:The Russian. Revolution was a very hard times for Russians because they did not have enough supplies.
Definition:Begging In the late 1940's and ending in the late 1980's between the US and Soviet Union,they competed for world influence without actually fighting.
Sentence: Cold War is called Cold War because there was actually no fighting only arguments.
Definition:North Atlantic Treaty Organization; The USA and other Western European countries formed NATO to respond to possible attacks by Soviet Union. Each nation In NATO believed the Soviet Union would not attack Western Europe if USA would launch nuclear war in return.
Sentence:NATO wanted to protect Western Europe from Soviet Union.
Analogy:NATO:protect Western Europe::Warsaw Pact:opposite
Definition:An alliance of the Soviet Union and its communist satellite nations which was formed to counter NATO; It was anti-Western military alliance.
Definition:Making something whole that has been spit into pieces.After the collapse of Berlin Wall in 1990, Germans voted to make East Germany and West Germany one country:Germany.
Sentence: The reunification of Germany was after the collapse of Berlin Wall.