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History Of Heroin

Published on Nov 19, 2015

a powerpoint expalining the history of heroin


History Of Heroin

By Daniel Gonzalez & Cesar Delgadillo

When was it first used?

  • Heroin was first created in 1874 in Germany
  • It was first used as medicine.
Photo by fdecomite

First Signs of Addiction

  • Constricted pupils
  • Vinegar like smell
  • Incohernet speech
  • Decrease in hygeine

Heroin related laws

  • The Harrison Narcotic Act of 1914, Caused heroin to become a federally controlled substance

How is Heroin grown & Manufacterd

  • Heroin (like opium & morphine) is made from the resin of poppy plants. The milky sap-like opium is first removed from the pod of the poppy flower, It is then refined to make morphine then further refined into diffrent forms of heroin
Photo by wazimu0

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How does Heroin make it to the U.S

  • The cartel plays a big part on trafficking heroin into the United States
  • sually trafficking heroin via cars and trucks through checkpoints
  • Or smaller amounts on mules walking through checkpoints
  • Even by plane & boat

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Cartels pushing heroin

  • Sinaloa cartel plays a huge role in the distribution of heroin. Feeding and taking control of the U.S market with trafickers in over 1200 cities

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  • The average price of heroin is about $200 per gram

Slang Names

  • H
  • China White
  • Chiba or Chiva
  • Mexican Brown
  • Dope
  • Smack

Heroin Consumption

  • Heroin is most commmonly first used at the age of 20-22

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Where in the U.S is it being used?

  • Heroin is being used the most in Baltimore the A.K.A The U.S heroin capita

Effects of Heroin On The Human Body

  • Infectious diseases,for example, HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B and C
  • Bad Teeth
  • Changes in Behavior
  • Depression
  • Introversion

Federal & Sate Heroin Related Laws

  • A. Denial of Federal Benefits 21 U.S.C. 862
  • B. Forfeiture of Personal Property and Real Estate 21 U.S.C. 853
  • Federal Drug Trafficking Penalties 21 U.S.C. 841
  • Harrison Act of 1914
  • Uniform State Narcotic Drug Act

What Schedule does the drug fall under?

  • Heroin falls under a schedule 1 drug