History of Jewish Thought - Week 1

Published on Jul 06, 2016

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Introducing Jewish Thought

why we think about the things we think about
Photo by Chajm

Matan torah

  • Written Torah & Oral Torah
  • Oral Torah
  • Inextricably Linked
Photo by bartek.langer


  • 1312 BCE: Matan Torah (Chumash)
  • 1272 BCE: Entry into Israel (Yehoshua/Shoftim)
  • 957 BCE: 1st Beis HaMikdash (Shmuel/Melachim)
  • 547 BCE: Babylonian Exile (Ester)
  • 538 BCE: 2nd Beis HaMikdash (Ezra)
  • 70CE: Roman Exile
Photo by Chajm

major changes

  • End of Miracles
  • End of Prophecy
  • Beginning of Philosophy and science as a way to understand the world
  • The Idea of Wisdom


  • Began his rule in 37BCE - the second son of Antipater the Idumaean.
  • Died in 4 BCE
  • Infamously cruel - Executed the Members of the Sanhedrin, save for Bava ben Buta.
  • Died in 4 BCE
  • Ally of Rome, and very prosperous
  • Died in 4 BCE
Photo by luzer

Herod's consequences

  • Drove the Sanhedrin Underground
  • Separated Religion and Politics
  • Ruled with fear
  • Stabalized Judea
Photo by Inbal & Nir

The 1st century

Herod Archelaus

  • Succeeded Herod
  • Cruel and tyranical
  • Ruled from 4BCE to 6CE
  • Deposed by Rome
Photo by hoyasmeg


  • Romans record over 8 million Jews, 2.5 million living in Israel.
  • Babylonia is the center for Torah study - Highlighted by the rise of Hillel HaZaken, returning at age 80 to Israel.
  • Hillel and Shamai had separate schools.
  • Questions that were previously resolved were now contentious.
Photo by bartek.langer

HILLEL & The House of the Nasi

  • The Sanhedrin elected the Nasi to counter the corruption of the Priesthood and Rome (Zugot System)
  • After Sanhedrin , the seat of the Nasi became hereditary.
  • Hillel served 40 years until 10CE.
  • Practically, the period of Tanaim begins with Hillel and Shamai.
  • Many debates with Sadducees.
Photo by Ron Dauphin

Timeline of the Destruction

  • 66CE Zealots revolted. Vespatian brought 4 legions.
  • 67CE Gamla Fell
  • 68CE Jerusalem is surrounded
  • In fighting ensued - store houses were burned.
  • 69CE Jerusalem is besieged
  • 70CE The Temple is Destroyed. 1 Million Jews are killed.


  • 69CE Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai is smuggled out of Jerusalem.
  • Meets Vespasian, and greets him as Ceasar.
  • Asks for: Yavneh, the Nasi, Doctors for Rabbi Tarfon.


  • Calm returned to Judea.
  • Thousands of Jewish prisoners were freed from Rome.
  • Rabban Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua vied for leadership, and the Nasi was overthrown (then reinstated)
  • 86CE Domitian ordered the Sanhedrin to be disbanded.
  • 96CE Nerva restores liberties.


Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Trajan succeeded Nerva in 98CE . A coin issued by Nerva reads fisci Judaici calumnia sublata, "abolition of malicious prosecution in connection with the Jewish tax"
  • Trajan wanted to conquer all the nations to the east (Parthians), including Babylon.
  • Sanhedrin disbanded, and flees to Lod
Photo by Dun.can


  • Attacks the Parthians in 114CE - wins massive area
  • Parthians use guerrilla warfare, together with Jewish soldiers, forcing Trajan's retreat in 116CE
  • Trajan retaliates by massacring Jews in other places in the Empire
  • Trajan appoints Lucius to oppress Jews in Israel
Photo by Alex Ristea


  • 117CE Trajan dies and is succeeded by Hadrian
  • Bans Brit Milah, Talmud Torah, Shabbos, Mikvah etc...
  • Hadrian wants to make Jerusalem a Roman city - Aelia Capitolina
  • Shimon ben Kosiva rises as a Jewish general / leader - Named Bar Kochva

bar kochva

  • 126CE: Reconquers Jerusalem, expels Turnus Rufus
  • Jerusalem, Hebron and most of Judea is under Jewish rule for 2.5 years
  • Three years later, Betar falls, Bar Kochva is killed along with 800000 Jews
  • Last Jewish sovereignty in Israel until modern times

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus

  • Hadrian dies in 139CE - Betar's victims are buried.
  • 161 CE: Marcus Aurelius succeeds Antoninus Pius
  • Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi is appointed as Nasi after his father (Rabban Shimon) and befriends Marcus Aurelius
Photo by NH53

The Mishna

  • Complied by Rebbe
  • 6 Orders, 60 Tractates
  • The Oral Torah is written down - Halacha is universally accesable
  • Completed in 188CE - 1500 years after Mount Sinai
  • Rebbe dies ~200CE
Photo by ell brown

The 3rd Century

Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Rebbe is succeeded by his son, Rabban Gamliel III
  • 228 CE - Rabbi Yehuda Nesiyah is the last unanimous leader
  • Rabbi Yochanan assumes the spiritual inheritance of Rebbe (d. 288)
  • Stability is achieved in northern Israel, but Torah leadership is firmly decentralized.
Photo by amira_a


  • Rebbe believed that the center of Torah should always be in IsraelPoverty was common, but outside influences were limited
  • R' Chiyyah disagreed - Bavel was more hospitable and a better environment for Judaism to flourish
  • Poverty was common, but outside influences were limited

RAV & Shmuel

  • Rav: Student of Rebbe, Nephew of Rabbi Chiyyah - An Israeli in Babylon. Rosh Yeshiva of Sura
  • Shmuel: Rosh Yeshiva of Neharda'a, Physician, Astronomer, Mathamatician
  • We follow Rav in religious matters, and Shmuel in legal matters
Photo by Daniel Eynis

the 4th century

Photo by mag3737


  • Rabbi Yochanan dies in 288, succeeded by Rav Ami and Rav Asi
  • Rav Yehuda Nesiya II dies in 305CE in Tiberius. The last Nasi to be quoted in Bavli
  • 359CE - Hillel II: Institution of the Jewish Calendar
  • Talmud Yerushalmi is written on 4 out of 6 sections of Mishna
Photo by amira_a


  • Rav Chisda and Rav Huna are in Sura326CE - Abaye becomes the Rosh Yeshiva in PumpedisaRava is Rosh Yeshiva in Mechoza mentioned 2000 times in the Talmud
  • Rabba and Rav Yosef were in Pumpedisa
  • 326CE - Abaye becomes the Rosh Yeshiva in PumpedisaRava is Rosh Yeshiva in Mechoza mentioned 2000 times in the Talmud
  • After Abaye and Rava, Rav Papa becomes the Rosh Yeshiva

the 5th century

Photo by mag3737

Rav Ashi

  • Primary editor of the Talmud Bavli
  • Appointed at age 19. Ruled from 371-427
  • Culmination of the work of the Amoraim - 2200 mentioned by name
  • Published by Ravina II (d. 475) and Rav Ashi
Photo by squidish

how the talmud was compiled

  • Rav Ashi institutionalized 2 Tractates in Adar and in Elul
  • It took 30 years to review all of Talmud.
  • Rav Ashi ruled for 60 years. All of Talmud was studied twice.
  • 40 Generations from Moshe to Talmud
Photo by khowaga1

end of the amoraim

  • After Yazdegurd II's death, he is succeeded by Paroz
  • 464 - Famine
  • 470 - Rabbi's are captured and executed
  • 474 - Shuls are closed, Jewish children are kidnapped and given to Zoroastians
Photo by DeeAshley

Rael Blumenthal

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