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Although the panflute became popular in the 1500s, the first one was heard of in the 1420s.
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History of the Panflute

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Music History Presentation on the panflute


History of the pan flute

  • The pan flute was popular in the early 1500s
  • Produced when pipes were put together
  • Can be straight or bundled (curved)
  • Concerts became popular in Paris and New York  
  • Seen in multiple poems and plays
Although the panflute became popular in the 1500s, the first one was heard of in the 1420s.

fun facts

  • Commonly played by shepherds 
  • Used in Greek Mythology
  • Also can be called a syrinx
  • Among the oldest instruments in the world
  • Started with only 3 tubes together
Photo by Lucy Nieto

Francia luca

  • Performed in Paris, France
  • Famous panflute player
  • 1937

SOUTh america

This style is called a Toyo

South america

This style is called an Antara


This style is called an African Panflute


This style is called a European Panflute


This style is called an Australian Panflute

Pan flutes are also referred to as panpipes

Photo by f4niko

Creating your own Pan flute

  • take 2 straws
  • cut them at different lengths
  • lay them in the order you wish
  • tape them together either straight or curved
  • play!
Photo by jayneandd

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