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History Timeline

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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by: rachel richard

January 1, 1998.
Smoking is banned in all bars and restaurants in California. Becoming one of the first states to pass that.

January 8, 1998.
The bombers of the World Trade Center were sentenced for life. They caused the crashing of the towers.

January 29, 1998
Birmingham AL. A bombing at an abortion clinic kills one and severely injures many more. Suspect, Erick Rudolph.

Photo by Zoriah

January 14, 1998.
Research workers in Dallas, Texas found an enzyme to help slow the aging process. Creating longer lifespans.

February 3, 1998.
Military plane clips cable car lines in Italy. Killing 30 injuring 17.

February 10, 1998.
Mine repeals gay rights law. Maine becomes the first state to abandon the law.

May 4, 1998
Federal judge gives Unabomber Ted Kaczynski 4 life sentences. This was over the death penalty.

February 27, 1998.
FBI arrests "10 Most Wanted Suspects" Tony Ray. For being a suspected serial killer.

May 21, 1998.
Abortion clinic in Miami, FL. Was attacked by butyraic acid attacker. Is was a hate crime against abortions.

May 21, 1998.
Thurston High School on Oregon, Kaplanal Kinkle, shot 27 people at school killing 2. Then killed his parents when he got home.

Photo by mr.smashy

November 19, 1998.
Judiciary committee begins the impeachment hearing about bill Clinton. For alleged scandal.

November 13, 1998
President Clinton gives Paula Jones the entire amount of her claim for her agreement to drop her case. The amount is $850,000. All but $151,000 of it will go to pay her legal expenses.

December 17, 1998.
The US and Britain begin four days of limited air strikes against Iraq.

The New York Yankees won the World Series in 1998.

Photo by a.pitch

In the year Endeavor, Columbia and Discovery were launched.