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History/Impact of Scientific Visualization

Published on Feb 05, 2018

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Types of Maps

By Dylan Hooper; 4th period

Road Maps are maps that show where roads are and what routes you can take.

Photo by nitot

Topographic maps are maps that show contour lines, which represent the height of certain areas on a map.

Photo by Eric Fischer

Aeronautical maps show flight paths.

Photo by sigmama

Concept maps display concepts and cover main points of the concept.

Photo by juhansonin

Spider Mapping is when you have one main point and you split that into other points and it continues and makes a big web.

A hierarchy shows importance of one thing over others. It shows that there is less when you get to the top, and more as you go down.

Photo by Travis S.

A flow chart is an organized way to show a plan. It lets you choose certain paths.

Photo by Lance McCord

A gene map shows DNA codons and what genes make it up and in what order.

Photo by M Pinarci

A floor plan shows the layout of a building.

Photo by enfilm