Hizmet şuuru ve mesuliyet duygusu
#1.Hizmet şuurunu oluşturmak ve profesyonelleşme
Arkadaşların programa aktif halde katılmalarını sağlamak
Kendi aramızda kulturel programlar oluşturup başlatma
Hızmeti başkalarına duyurmak!
Hollanda kültürünü tanımak
What's the ONE idea you want the audience to remember?
The BIG IDEA is the beacon for your presentation
#3 Give the audience what they need
Don't ask "what should I speak about?"
Instead ask "How can I be of service?"
#4 Plan your call-to-action
Know the destination of your presentation
Focus the CTA on one action
For every minute you speak...
20-minute speech
20-hours of prep
#6 Discover your writing strategy
There's no best way to write a speech
Find the method that works for you
Hire a coach to make your message remarkable
Prep makes your speech a success
Make your speech remarkable