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1939/1941, EASTERN FRONT

  • Germany started World War 2 on September 1st, 1939, with the invasion of Poland.
  • The Germans used a maneuver called Blitzkreig, or Lightning-War. This involved rapid advancement of armour with infantry support, quickly overwhelming the enemy. This is how it took over Poland in one month.
  • On June 22, 1941, Germany launched Operation Barbarossa, which sent 3 million German soldiers and thousands of tanks into the heart of the USSR.

1939-1941, WESTERN FRONT

  • Much like Poland, when the war first started, Germany invaded France in similar fashion to Poland, however, it took only 6 weeks on June 22, for Germany to conquer France, Denmark, Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Netherlands, ending fighting on the Western front until June 6, 1944
  • Later, as the Luftwaffe became more advanced, Germany would use France as a staging ground to attack Britain by bombings and air raids.


  • By late 1942, Germanys advance into the Soviet Union, turned out to be a huge mistake. As the winter set in, the Germans found themselves surrounded in Stalingrad, with little supplies and ammunition. They surrendered on February 2, 1943.
  • This proved to be a turning point in the war, as Stalingrad was strategically vital city to both sides. After Stalingrad, the USSR began their offensive, pushing the Germans back into Poland, and later into Germany itself.


  • While the Soviets were bearing the might of the 3rd Reich, the USA and Grest Britain were planning Operarion Overlord, the largest amphibious invasion history. As a secondary Theater of War, the Allies also launched an offensive near the Mediterranean, Africa, and through Italy and Sicily.
  • On June 5, 1944, a 1,200-plane airborne assault in Normandy would cut off the beach defenders, and prevent counter attacks. On the morning of June 6, 156,000 Allied troops (mostly American) stormed 5 beaches in the Normandy areas of France, code named, Omaha, Utah, Juno, Gold, and Sword. Around 425,000 Allied and German troops were killed after The Battle of Normandy.
  • After D-Day, the Western front was re-opened, and slowly, the Allies pushed the Axis Powers back into the heart of Europe

Race to Berlin, 1945
By early 1945, with Germany's defeat inevitable, 2 Soviet marshals were pitted in a race by Stalin, to be the first to capture Berlin. With the help of the Western front, George Zhukov and Ivan Konev, supported by the Rokossovsky's Second Belorussian Front, and the Yeremenko's Fourth Ukrainian Front. The 2 forces met at The Battle of Berlin, the last major offensive in the war. It ended on May 2, with 1298745 casualties on both sides, and the end to WW2.
Conclusion, war is bigger than just fighting