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Published on Feb 16, 2016

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8 Stages of Genocide
Photo by paraclafilms


Germans (Aryans) vs. Minority Groups
Photo by Michael Dawes


  • Swastika (Germans)
  • Star of David (Jews)
  • Pink Triangle (Homosexuals)
  • Red Triangle (political prisoners)
  • Purple Triangle (Jehovah's Witnesses)
  • Green Triangle (professional criminals)
  • Blue Triangle (foreign forced labor)
  • Black Triangle (Gypsy, vagrants, pacifists, etc.)


  • Nazi government named Jews an "inferior race"
  • Basic human rights were removed and Nuremberg laws were put into place.
  • e.g. boycotting Jewish business
  • laws preventing Christians from marrying Jews
  • enforced curfews for Jews
Photo by Jorge Lascar

The Nazi's, particular the SS, organized the genocide.


  • Germans who supported Jews were threatened
  • Propaganda
  • e.g. blamed Jews for economic and social problems in the world
  • Preached that jews must be excluded from society and schools
  • Used films, posters, and dramas to teach a distorted image of the Jews.
Photo by Travis S.

Jews first sent to live in ghettos before being sent to camps and minority groups were separated from Germans.

Photo by paraclafilms


Jews and minority groups were killed in very systematic ways (gas, work camps, etc.)
Photo by paraclafilms


Jews and minority groups were killed in very systematic ways (gas, work camps, etc.)
Photo by paraclafilms


  • Burned the bodies and placed them in mass graves.
  • Citizens claimed they had no knowledge and denied involvement in Nuremberg laws.
  • To this day the German government says the Holocaust was carried out by only certain members of the Nazi party.
Photo by Andrew Oliver

International Response

  • Most Americans unaware of what was going on.
  • U.S. offered temporary refuge to Jews but limited the number to 10,000
  • Allied forces stopped the Holocaust from continuing when they defeated the Nazis.
  • U.N. adopted the genocide convention in 1948
  • A Universal Declaration of Human rights was passed in 1948
  • Nuremburg trials held to hold individuals responsible.

International Response

  • Most Americans unaware of what was going on.
  • U.S. offered temporary refuge to Jews but limited the number to 10,000
  • Allied forces stopped the Holocaust from continuing when they defeated the Nazis.
  • U.N. adopted the genocide convention in 1948
  • A Universal Declaration of Human rights was passed in 1948
  • Nuremburg trials held to hold individuals responsible.

“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever
human beings endure suffering and humiliation.
We must always take sides.”

Photo by englishsnow