I. Will equip us to live Godly Lives
- teaches us and reminds us on what we will do
- guides us into all truths
- transformation will take place in us
- reveals the plans of the Lord in us
II. Will help us fight our enemies
a. the World, the Flesh and the Devil
- temptation and attack from this enemies will be secured
- no. 1 enemies in our life so we must be alert
b. Victorious in the name of the Lord
- We will not be ashamed of the gospel
III. Will keep our minds obedient to God
- 1 Peter 1:13, Col. 3:2
a. Keep us away from sinning.
- target of the enemy will be our mind so that we will sin but it can't be done when we are in power of the Holy Spirit.
b. Keep us refresh on the revelation of God.
- revelation in our prayer and bible reading
- revelation in our spiritual struggle how to overcome it.
- revelation in visions many times while we are doing something, Holy Spirit will reveal in our mind what things to do that will help us do what should be done in spiritual life.
VII. Conclusion: Do you want to live with real peace, contenment, and joy in life? Do you want to have the power to overcome temptation and persevere through adversity?
This kind of victorious living is found only through total surrender and obedience to the Holy Spirit. Set your mind on things of God, and trust the indwelling Spirit to guide, enable, and empower you to obey His voice. When we remain sensitive to the Spirit's guidance, depend upon Him totally, and obey, we experience life at its very best.
Holy Spirit in our Spiritual battle
Ptr. Roger Mendoza