Each pair of home teachers should become intimately acquainted with every child, youth, and adult in the family to whom they are assigned, and have in them the same personal interest they have in members of their own families. When this is accomplished, it will be a long step towards the accomplishment of our objective. It will be a tremendous lift to the Church to just get the home teachers to become so acquainted.
“As each family is different from one another, so each individual in the family differs from others. Methods and messages should vary according to each individual and his problems and needs. How different will be the performance of the home teacher acting under this concept from that of the so-called teacher who once called at my home on a cold night just before Christmas. Hat in hand, which he refused to let me hang up, he shifted nervously when I asked him to sit down and give us his message. ‘Well, I’ll tell you, Brother Romney,’ he responded, ‘it’s cold outside and I left my car engine running so it wouldn’t stop. I just stopped in so I could tell the bishop I have made my calls.’
“To perform fully our duty as a home teacher, we should be continually aware of the attitudes, the activities and interests, the problems, the employment, the health, the happiness, the plans and purposes, the physical, temporal, and spiritual needs and circumstances of everyone—of every child, every youth, and every adult in the homes and families who have been placed in our trust and care as a bearer of the priesthood, and as a representative of the bishop.