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Homework is unnecessary

Published on Mar 28, 2016

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Homework is unnecessary

Henry Tate


  • Homework causes stress
  • Symptoms of stress are:
  • Aches and pains Diarrhea or constipation Nausea, dizziness Chest pain, rapid heartbeat Frequent colds
  • How can teaching and learning be effective if there is too much homework
  • Less wealthy parents may work more than one job. Single mothers may have divided attentions. Some parents may not even speak English


  • What if it doesn't make sense?
  • WE NEED TO SLEEP!! But sometimes we can't!
  • Not all parents are able to provide enough time and attention to help their children with homework, and/or an environment conducive to completing it.

Are you stressed about homework?

I asked people in my class to take a survey that asks a yes or no question: Are you stressed about homework at all? Only 1 out of the 26 people I questioned said they weren't stressed. 25 other people (not including me even though I am) said they were stressed.


  • Straight A students are staying up until 1 am to complete their homework. So no matter how smart or good a student you are, you still have homework
  • Part-time jobs or baby-sitting siblings may interfere with the students' ability to complete their assignments. Extracurricular activities such as soccer, basketball, or football, may end late at night sending students home tired and unmotivated to complete their assigned homework tasks.

Amount of sleep


ONLIY 20% of teens between the ages of 11 through 17 get the recommended amount of sleep each night... 20%!!!!!
If you can do basic math, 80% of them don't get enough sleep!!!!!

Sleep Deprivation

  • Sleep deprivation affects a whole range of mental activities, including the ability to pay attention, verbal creativity, abstract thinking, decision making, retrieving long-term memories, mood and motivation. Researchers have found that when a person learns something new, there is activity during sleep in the same area of the brain where that learning happened, and improvement in memory when the person is tested the next day. Sleep, it turns out, is crucial to practicing new information.


  • Ponte, Wendy J. "Excessive Homework Strains Family Life." Do Students Have Too Much Homework? Ed. Judeen Bartos. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "No More Homework." Mothering149 (2008): 58-66. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 3 May 2015]
  • Smith, Melinda, Robert Segal, and Jeanne Segal. "Stress Symptoms, Signs, and Causes." Stress Symptoms, Signs, & Causes: The Effects of Stress Overload and What You Can Do About It. Helpguide.org, 1 Apr. 2015. Web. 8 May 2015. .
  • Kalish, Nancy. "Parents Should Take Action Against Excessive Homework." Do Students Have Too Much Homework? Ed. Judeen Bartos. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. At Issue. Rpt. from "The Less-Homework Revolution." Parenting (1 July 2008). Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 8 May 2015.


NEVER MIND, it didn't work