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Homo erectus

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Homo Erectus
By: Peyton Shaw

Photo by Tim Evanson


  • They lived between about 1.89-143,000 years ago
  • They lived in Northern, Eastern, and Southern Africa
  • Also lived in western and East Asia
Photo by Tim_in_Ohio


  • Height - 4ft 9 - 6ft 1
  • Weight - 88 - 150 lbs
  • More like humans with height and weight
  • Shorter arms than Homo Habilis
Photo by rubyblossom.

The Homo Erectus eat more meat in its diet then the Homo Habilis... It also walked more up right while the Homo Habilis walked stooped over. The Homo Erectus has less hair and less of a monkey face then the Homo Habilis

Photo by the UMF

The Neanderthal was more capable with speaking then the Homo Erectus. The Neanderthal also was more human like

The Homo Erectus walked up right, was taller then the Homo Habilis and Australopithec-us, and eat more meat in its diet then the other two ancestors.

Photo by flowcomm

This is a 1.7 million year old female Homo Erectus Thigh Bone. Scientist can determine that she was bleeding out right before her death. This fossil was discovered by: Kamoya Kimeu in 1974. She died of a vitamin overdose