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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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BY : Joshua Vang


  • Climate is very hot, temperate and tropical.
  • Rainfall is abundant during May to October.
  • The dry season is apart of autumn, winter and part of spring.


  • The Honduran flag consists of a background of sky blue and white.
  • The stars represent the former members of the Federal Republic of CA.
  • Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.
  • White - peace and honesty
  • Blue - the sea and sky, loyalty and perseverance.


  • Many women work in factories.
  • Many men work as farmers, selling their agricultural products.
  • Some people may learn industrial trades.


  • Coffee beans, beef, bananas, melons, shrimp, pineapple,
  • palm oil, timber and clothing are the products that are exported
  • form Honduras.
  • Half these exports usually go to the U.S., and the rest go to other
  • CA countries, Europe, Japan and the rest of Latin America.
Photo by chrismar


  • New Year's Day, Independence Day, Armed Forces Day, day of the race,
  • and Christmas are the holidays that are celebrated in Honduras.
  • A celebration is, Armed Forces Day, a day where armed forces of Honduras
  • are honored and celebrated, and of those who served before as well.


  • Most peoples diets are usually beans and tortillas.
  • The ideal meal most likely includes, fried plantains, rice,
  • fried meat, eggs or salads, with a cup of coffee or bottled soft drinks
  • People may also eat from Chinese restaurants that may be in
  • some areas.


  • Fer De Lance, Jabiro, harpy eagle and Celba tree
  • are some examples of animals and plants in the wildlife.
  • 225 mammals, 100 amphibians, 196 reptiles and 725 birds
  • species are native to Honduras.
Photo by Funky Tee