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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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by:Jenna Strenski
Photo by jikatu

Who originally lived here?Honduras was visited by the Maya. The ethnic group is the Chorti. They speak Mexican.

Did anyone settle here?Europeans came here in 1502. Also Christopher Columbus named the country Honduras because of the deep waters off its coast. In 1838, Honduras became independant

Historical Events

  • 1501-Christopher Columbus lands in Honduras
  • 1821-Independence gained from Spain and becomes part of Mexico
  • 1932-Became a strong Government
  • 2012-Thousands march protest violence against journalists
Photo by ChrisWaldeck

Government type

Democratic, constitutional republic
Photo by Matt. Create.

Honduras is one of the poorest countries in the American Continent. The U.S has more jobs that will pay you more money.

Major features of Honduras:Honduras is the second largest country in Central America. It has an area of 43,266 miles.

Photo by JonoMueller

Honduras has a special kind of dance and music they hold proudly. Hondurans celebrate national holidays and special events in the form of carnivals. They have an event called "The Carnival of Friendship".

It is a Pacific Coast side of the Isthmus. Honduras faces challenges in the area of crimes and human rights. Also, its living conditions hemisphere is one of the poorest countries.

Photo by Arlo Bates

Important people

Jose manuel zelaya rosales-president of Honduras
Photo by Steve-©-foto

SIMILARITIES and differences

  • Economy: USA's economy is ranked #1 economy. Honduras is ranked #107 
  • Government: They both  have a President
  • Culture: They both celebrate Christmas Eve and New Years Eve
  • Historical Events/People/Other: 35.48% better chance of being employed 
  • in the US than Honduras. 

I would want to immigrate from Honduras to the U.S because there is a better chance that I'll get a job that pays more money than Honduras. We have a better economy. We are ranked as the #1 Economy. Honduras is ranked #107.

Photo by blmurch