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Hop Frog

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by out of ideas

Genre: Horror
Publication: March 1849
Setting: the Masquerade
Point of View: First person

Photo by seanaes

- Revenge: Hop Frog becomes angry at the joking king for striking his friend Tripetta and for being humiliated by the King.

Photo by seanaes

- Escape: Hop Frog gets angry at the Jester for menacing his friend and wants to avenge the friend.

Photo by seanaes

1. The King and his Ministers- has the highest status and they were dressed as Orangutans during the masquerade.
2. Hop- Frog- has the lower status and is described as a "triplicate treasure."

Photo by seanaes

3. Tripetta- is badly treated by the King and the King thinks of her as a doll or showpiece.

Photo by seanaes

1. Corpulent- large or bulky of body.
2. Inimitable- incapable of being initiated or copied.
3. Motley- wearing a parti-colored garment.
4. Jester- a professional fool or clown.

Photo by seanaes

5. Prodigious- extraordinary in size and amount.
6. Instantaneous- done or completed in an instant.
7. Endeavoring- to make an effort.

Photo by seanaes

8. Courtiers- a person who is often in attendance at the court of a king or other royal personage.
9. Audacity- boldness or daring.
10. Diversion- the act of diverting or turning aside.

Photo by seanaes

11. Sconces- a bracket for candles or other lights placed on a wall, mirror, or picture frame.
12. Impediments- obstruction; obstacle.
13. Ascent- an upward movement.

Photo by seanaes

14. Scrutinize- to examine in detail with careful or critical condition.
15. Virulence- quality of being virulent.
16. Fetid- having an offensive odor.

Photo by seanaes