Thyroid disease is incredibly common in the US with over 50 million suffering the symptoms of thyroid disease.
The thyroid tends to under function with aging in some people (hypothyroid). The under function can show up as decreased production of the raw material thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) or inefficient conversion to the more active thyroid hormone triiodothyronine (free T3).
The function of the thyroid is to take iodine and the amino acid tyrosine and convert them into thyroid hormones (T4 and T3).
Less common is over-function of the thyroid (hyperthyroidism). Graves disease (an autoimmune disorder can cause hyperthyroidism.
The most common autoimmune disorder of the thyroid, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, usually results in under-function of the thyroid.
Our treatment includes thyroid optimization with iodine,selenium and thyroid hormone (usually desiccated thyroid with T4 and T3 and diet change. Nutritional therapy focuses on decreasing thyroid inflammation (eg reducing or avoiding gluten) and reducing goitrogenic foods (cruciferous vegetables, soy among others).