Anwar el-Sadat was assassinated during a military parade. He was killed on October 6, 1981.
Muhammad Hosni Sayyid Mubarak was born on May 4, 1928 in Kafr-El Meselha, Egypt.
After graduating from the Military Academy in 1949, he went on to join the Air Force Academy.
In 1966 Mubarak was appointed to director of the Egyptian Air Force.
President Sadat promoted him even further in 1972 giving him the position of Chief Commander. During the Yom Kippur War of 1973 he showed a great talent for strategy.
Mubarak's Presidential Career:
Mubarak presided over Egypt for 3 decades.
His biggest accomplishment was maintaining a cordial relationship with Israel.
He also tried to revive Egyptian tourism.
Mubarak's Flaws as President:
During his entire presidency Mubarak had emergency powers in effect. This gave him free reign to limit civil liberties.
Mubarak won 3 elections, all unopposed. In the 4th election, he finally allowed a rival to run against him.
Authoritarian state:
Government in which all legitimate power rests in one person or a small group of persons, individual rights are subordinate to the wishes of the state, all means necessary are used to maintain political power.
Mubarak suppressed any opposition, mainly that of the Muslim Brotherhood.
The Arab Spring began in Tunisia in December of 2010. A young Tunisian citizen, Mohamed Bouazizi, lit himself on fire in protest against his government.
His protest led to young citizens uprising in the Arab world.
It spread to Egypt on January 25, 2011. Egypt quickly became the face of the entire Spring.
As a result of the protests Mubarak resigned on February 11, 2011.