Hot Potato is a Discovery Education SOS strategy that is designed to not only challenge students to ask and answer higher order questions, it also promotes a spirit of fun competition!
Providing students an opportunity to think critically and ask higher-level questions of each other in a fun environment leads to a more engaged classroom. “When students formulate questions, they become actively involved in learning” (Marzano, 2007).
Generating questions or hypotheses allows students to examine their thinking regarding knowledge being learned. This process stimulates major changes in their understanding (Marzano, 2007).
This strategy can be used in any content area! In science, it was used in conjunction with the Dynamic Earth unit; however, it can be used with any unit! Differentiation is a breeze with Hot Potato! Teachers can differentiate the content by using leveled articles, the process by allowing students to work together, or the product by assigning the number and type of questions produced!
Students enjoyed the competitive aspect of the Hot Potato strategy! They effectively used the 4 C’s of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Discovery Education uses the 4 C’s to guide students to make connections, ask questions, identify key concepts, and contemplate changes/consider the application of what they’ve learned.
The Hot Potato strategy encourages students to develop higher level questions. Not only do they have to come up with the question, they also need to know the answer. This puts some of the responsibility of learning on the students, and they take more pride and ownership in the process