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Published on Nov 23, 2015

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The Hutus and the Tutsis were the two different tribes fighting during the genocide of 1994.

The Tutsi are tall, warrior people who normally herd cattle and farm. The amount of money they make from herding cattle has held power over the Hutu. The Tutsi king was overthrown. After troops withdrew and later thousands of Tutsi were killed in countries near by. Two new countries were produced through the ethnic and economic differences between Tutsi and hutu Rwanda, dominated by the Hutus and Burundi ran by the Tutsi.

1.Tutsis were a thriving aristocracy in Rwanda
2.Cattle Herders
3.Harder to convert to Catholicism
4.Were considered to be more "turned-out" (Out going)
5.More military minded
6. Germans found them to be superior and they tried to get the Tutsis in government roles by educating them-ewe.historicalfilms.com


Population: 2.5 million
Languages: Rwanda - Rundi, French, English
higher class in Rwandan society
worked as cattle herders and developed hierarchy since then
also known as Watusi or Watussi
Religion: mostly Roman Catholicism, also some Islam

The Hutu have always been noticed as second class citizens in both countries. They are in the majority of the Rwandan people. There are around 10 million Hutu in the Rwanda and Burundi area. Even tho they are the majority the Tutsi have always prevented the Hutu from getting major roles in government. Most of the Hutu people believe in Christianity due to influence from the Middle East and Europe.

Some of the indigenous people have different beliefs based on tradition and ancestral spirits. One of the most common beliefs was a belief in a man named Imaana, a Hutu god. The majority of the Hutu speak the same Bantu languages, this can include Kinyarnanda, Kirundi, and Swahili. Some also speak French influenced by early European settlers

1.Wealthier class of people
2.Missionaries were more successful in converting them
3.Known to be shy and timid
4.Instead of focusing on military, they were more focused on political structure
5.They were in majority!!-www.historicalfilms.com


largest of the three ethnic groups in Rwanda (Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa)
the Hutu are 84% of the Rwandans (people living in Rwanda)
the Hutu are 85% of the Burundians (people living in Burundi)
total population : 11.5 million
languages: (Bantu), French Rwanda - Rundi
Religions: Catholicism Protestantism, Sunni Islam, and indigenous beliefs
also called Bahutu or Wahutu
mostly been basic farmers

The clash of these two tribes was what started the genocide. The Tutsis ended up defeating the Hutus.

1.What are the names of the two tribes?
2.What tribe is in majority?
3. Which tribe is more wealthy?
4. Which tribe was higher in government positions?

1. Tutsi , Hutu
2. Hutu