Crop circles have been around for about thirty years now. Because of that there has been confusion regarding the topic of crop circles, that some people still don’t understand. Even though there are facts about crop circles out there, some people chose to ignore them. Crop circles show just how many people run off to tell about something new before learning about them first.
Gerald S. Hawkins theorized that there was a connection between crop circles and the Stonehenge.
Cereologists theorized that the crop circles were made by aliens.
There was a theory called Julia Set, that claimed that if a crop circle was made in less than an hour, it could not have been made by people but it turned out to be false as a crop circle was later made in three hours by three different people.
To summarize, crop circles was a mystery (and kind of controversial) back then and is still is today. The benefit of that is now more people know about crop circles. Because when crop circles first appeared people panicked because they did not know what they were or how they were made. After a lot of theories, fanfare, a lot of new evidence, the truth about crop circles was eventually uncovered.
Taylor, Richard. "The crop circle evolves: a growing underground art movement combines mathematics, technology, stalks and whimsy. Richard Taylor looks forward to a bumper batch of intricate crop patterns this summer." Nature, vol. 465, no. 7299, 2010, p. 693. General Science Collection,
Accessed 11 Apr. 2019