How do you choose a book?

Published on Aug 19, 2020

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How do you choose a book?

Photo by Ben White

How to P.I.C.K. a Book

  • Purpose
  • Interest
  • Comprehend
  • Know the Words
Photo by Susan Yin


What is your purpose for reading?
P = Purpose: We need to have kids consider their purpose for reading. Why are they looking for a book in the first place? Is it totally a free choice, or is there some other reason for reading it?

In order to determine purpose, consider asking:
• Are they reading for pleasure?
• Are they trying to learn something?
• Is the book going to be read silently or out loud?
• Who is their audience?

Most often, purpose for reading can be found with a quick answer.


What are you interested in reading?
I = Interest. When choosing a book, it should be something of interest. With the many millions of books on shelves today, there's bound to be something out there for everyone.

Even if children have a short amount of time to choose books, they can determine interest by:
• Looking at the front cover
• Flipping through the pages to glance at photos or illustrations
• Reading the back cover
• Reading the chapter titles
Photo by Sarah Brown


Is this something you can understand?
Is the book something that the child can comprehend? Is it a book that is appropriate for his or her level or abilities?

--Look at the Lexile level
--they can quickly assess if it's an appropriate book for them by opening the book and choosing a page – the book is appropriate for them if they are able to understand what they read.

• Did I understand what I just read?
• Do I remember what I read?
• Was I able to read most of the words?

K=Know the Words

Do you know the majority of the words on a page?
Photo by bark

Patricia Bronson

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